Some members from the MedCrafts team will present papers in two sessions at the XIX World Economic History Congress, held in Paris, from 25 to 29 july 2022.
28th July 2022, 14h00-17h30
Session: Labour as a resource: the access to industrial and artisan skilled labour in Late-Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Arnaldo Melo - Lab2pt, University of Minho
Matthew Davies - Birkbeck College, University of London
Joana Sequeira - Lab2pt, University of Minho
François Rivière - IDHE.S UMR 8533 - LaMOP UMR 8589
Arnaldo Melo - Lab2pt, University of Minho. Offer and demand for skilled labour in crafts: between market and regulations in Portugal (14th - early 16th centuries).
Amélia Aguiar Andrade - IEM, NOVA FCSH-NOVA University of Lisbon. Regulating labour, promoting the quality of the product: reflections on the "regimentos" of some of Lisbon's craftsmen (1500-1521).
Hermenegildo Fernandes - Centro de História, University of Lisbon. Skilled labour and market control in southwestern Iberia: an Andalusian legacy?
François Rivière - IDHE.S UMR 8533 - LaMOP UMR 8589. Managing the transmission of skills in Northern France (14th-15th c.).
João Pontes - Lab2pt, University of Minho. The hiring of skilled work in royal construction yards in Portugal: an overview during the reign of King Manuel I.
Paulo Cunha - CITCEM - University of Porto. Rewarding expertise: recruitment of skilled workers and transmission of knowledge in the Portuguese metalworking sector (14th-16th century).
Joana Sequeira - Lab2pt, University of Minho. Recruitment of skilled workers and quality control in the Portuguese clothing and textile sectors, 14th-16th centuries.
29th July 2022, 9h00-12h30
Session: Meat and leather: the exploitation of livestock resources in the Middle Ages in Europe
François Rivière - IDHE.S UMR 8533 - LaMOP UMR 8589
Arnaldo Melo - Lab2pt, University of Minho. Making leather in Portugal in 14th to early 16th centuries – the productive structure of tanning: a dynamic market-oriented model.
Laura Righi - Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII. Leather supplying and leather production in late medieval Italy.
Vincent Mouftiez - Université de Tours. The tanners in the county of Dunois according to notarial deeds during the 15th century.
Corentin Hamet - Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS). The butcher, the tanner and the supply of skin: conflict and trade around a resource in late medieval cities of the the South of the german Empire
Ana Clarinda Cardoso - CITCEM - Universidade do Porto e CHAM/FCSH - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal). From the butcher to the shoemaker: leather and hides trade from the Neroni company in Pisa, 1454-1461.
François Rivière - IDHE.S UMR 8533 - LaMOP UMR 8589. From the beast to the feast: crafts and animal resources in Rouen (13th-15th c.).
More information and full program can be consulted in the congress website.