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[Recruitment] New team member!

Atualizado: 4 de out. de 2019

Diana Martins as recently joined the Medcrafts project in one of our host institutions, the Institute of Medieval Studies at Nova University of Lisbon (IEM). Her fellowship started on the 1st September and she’ll be helping us with tasks 1 and 2.

A quick look on her CV:

She as Master in History - Specialization in Medieval History, from the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH). Devotes herself to the study of the history of construction and the city of Lisbon, among which stands out her Master's dissertation, entitled “Paço da Alcáçova : uma intervenção manuelina ", which dealt with the study of a book of expenses on construction works in a royal palace, Paço da Alcáçova de Lisboa, during the reign of D. Manuel. She's currently a PhD student in Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH; Universidade Aberta) and a researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM).

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