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[Recruitment] Meet our new team member!

Joana Lencart as joined the MedCrafts project on the 1st October and she'll be working with us at our host institution, Lab2PT - University of Minho. She has a PhD in History and she is now a post-doc researcher.

Main publications

- 2019 – Geographia d'Entre Douro e Minho e Tras-os-Montes por João de Barros. Portugal: Câmara Municipal do Porto

- 2018 – Livro da Regra e Definições da Ordem de Cristo por Fr. Pedro Álvares Seco. Paula Pinto Costa (coord.), Militarium Ordinum Analecta, vol. 18. Porto: CEPESE, 2018.

- 2016, “As ordenações inéditas da Ordem de Cristo de 1319 e 1323 - estudo comparativo com as de 1321 e de 1326”, População e Sociedade, nº 26. Porto: CEPESE, 2016, pp. 99-132.


- “MedCraft – Regulamentação dos mesteres em Portugal nos finais da Idade Média: séculos XIV e XV / Crafts regulation in Portugal in Late Middle Ages: 14th - 15th centuries” (ref.ª PTDC/HAR-HIS/31427/2017)

- Project Military Orders and religiosity in the medieval West and the Latin East (12th- mid-16th centuries). Ideology, memory and material culture, PGC2018-096531-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

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