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[Talk] Crafts regulation in the Late Middle Ages: 14th-15th century by A. Melo and J. Sequeira

Atualizado: 26 de jun. de 2019

Arnaldo Melo and Joana Sequeira presented a paper (Crafts regulation in the Late Middle Ages: 14th-15th century) at the I International Seminar-Workshop in Economic History that took place at the Institute of Social Sciences in the University of Minho, on November 29 (2018). This was the first public activity of the Medcrafts project.

Please find the powerpoint presentation by clicking on the image bellow:

Abstract: This paper presents the FCT funded research projet Medcraft, Crafts regulation in Portugal in Late Middle Ages: 14thand 15th centuries.

This project intends to study the regulations of crafts activities in late medieval Portugal, 14th and 15th centuries, through the analysis of several Portuguese towns, from different regions, in a comparative perspective between them as well as within the European framework. The project intends to promote an integrated vision of the regulation systems and the social practices, placing them in their social, economic, legal and political contexts, focusing namely on the relations between craftsmen and public authorities. Through the analysis of those regulations, control and its social practices we intend to further understand and characterize the reality of crafts and craftsmen activities in medieval Portugal. The focus on the regulations and control seems to be the better starting point to study crafts realities. Through the study of crafts regulation and control, one can accede to other aspects of the crafts and industrial activities, namely its organization and production structures, and its spatial insertion.

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